Independent Living
Assisted Living
Long term life planning is an underappreciated service that helps people live their lives with dignity. From those who cannot leave their homes to those who need assistance with daily activities, such as cooking and bathing, homecare can make all the difference. Homecare workers are a key part of this equation. These workers help people with disabilities and the elderly to live independently without being a burden to their families. But this doesn’t come without a cost which can ultimately be extremely expensive. The goal of planning for your long-term care needs is to make sure that you are comfortable with your living situation and that your needs are taken care of.
It is important for not only yourself but for your family as well that you have an extensive long-term care plan in place. The cost of long-term care will only increase as time goes on so it is best that you plan ahead and get your financial affairs in order. Knowing how you wish to be taken care of, how you intend to pay for the care, and what your ultimate wishes are is extremely important. We want to help make sure that you are prepared for the future in every aspect of your life.
Take the time to sit down with your family and your financial advisor to make your plan today. Think about how you would like to be taken care of, do you want to stay in your home, do you want to move to assisted living, will one of your family members move in with you? These are all questions that need to be asked during this time. Call me today to schedule an appointment where we can discuss what your ultimate long-term care needs are and create a plan on how you are going to cover the costs.

Our Promise
Providing Financial Services
To All Individuals
Assisted Living
Nursing Home
In Home Care
Homecare is health care or supportive care provided by a professional caregiver in the home where the patient or client is living. Ideal for a patient after having surgery that requires additional rehabilitation assistance on a part-time basis.
Independent Living
Independent living means the ability to examine alternatives and make informed decisions and direct one’s own life. This ability requires the availability of information and financial resources. This is perfect for an individual that can still take care of themselves.